Friday, July 10, 2009

A new mission president

President Gamiette's family was a hit at zone conference on Thursday. There are five children ranging in age from four to fourteen, two boys and three girls. Some of the children stayed through all of it with their mom. The children speak only French, consequently, they didn't understand most of what went on during the training. One of the girls shared her testimony in French and her dad translated for us. She plans to serve a mission like her mother and father before her. Sister Gamiette is from France and was baptized at 19. She shared her testimony and conversion. She served a mission in the US.

We were all impressed with Presdent Gamiette's knowledge of the scriptures and the way he was able to draw the missionaires out and stretch their understanding of the concepts he addressed. The missionaries did a great job coming up with supportive scriptures. We were all committed to do a better job of planning.

All but one of the couples is new since we started serving in Trinidad. The Green's will go home in August. We are missing a couple of the senior missionaires in this picture, including Elder Ross.

1 comment:

Ed and Joyce Collins said...

this was an especially nice post! We wondered what might happen in Trinidad for Zone Conferences. Thanks for staying on top of things! Miss seeing you two.