Sunday, June 15, 2008


In case you’re wondering in what ways things are a bit different here in the West Indies, you might be interested to know how I was called to two Church jobs today and Mom was called to one.

When we walked into our Branch Sacrament meeting this morning, the Branch President summoned me over to talk for a moment. He asked if I was allowed to hold a position in the Branch. I said I was and would be happy to do so. He asked me to teach the Temple Preparation Class during Sunday School. No problem. Then he said, “Could you do it today?” I said I’d give it my best effort.

During Sacrament meeting, as we sat in the audience, a man from the District (like the Stake), got up and asked the congregation to release the District Executive Secretary with a vote of thanks. Then he asked the congregation to sustain the new District Executive Secretary… Elder George Ross! I did vote in the affirmative even though the calling was news to me.

Then, after Mom and I found the location for the Temple Preparation Class, the Branch President came in and welcomed the class (about 9 or 10 people) and said, “We’ve asked Elder and Sister Ross to be your teachers for this class.” So, I taught what I had prepared (during Sacrament meeting) and Mom will be teaching next week. Interesting. But we love the challenge. And it is really faith promoting when you feel the Spirit supporting you in teaching even when you don’t have much preparation time. In fact, Mom said it was of my best lessons ever… credit the Spirit.

1 comment:

ShelleyG said...

Congratulations and good luck on your new callings! Isn't Exec. Sec. a big job? Does that mean you will schedule appointments with the District President? Or is that the Mission President? I guess you are not the only one going by the Spirit! :) Maybe that is just how they issue callings-by the Spirit! They probably assumed you already were prompted that you would get that calling! Heehee

We are so proud of you guys!