Thursday, April 9, 2009

To Do or not To Do Personal Progress

I thought when I was released from the stake YW a few years ago, I was finished with YW, not so. I have been teaching seminary and all my students are young women. I even have a few girls who attend off and on who aren't old enough for seminary. I have been tossing around the thought of doing Personal Progress with them for about three months. Remember, we are on a two hour block with only Sunday School, no YW or YM or RS or Priesthood. The PP is so awesome for the girls that I decided to do it!

I invited all the girls 12-18 to meet meet with me a week ago last Tuesday. Four showed up out of seven possible. They were so excited about it. The next day at seminary, Isaac, an 11 year old brother, said 'hey, what's for guys?" I guess the girls talked about it all evening.

Today, the Wiltshire kids, Adelline 15, Natalie 12 (almost 13), Isaac 11 and I went through the first Virtue Value Experience together. Isaac participated as much as the girls in the discussion. He plans to serve a mission. The girls will write in their journal and I will sign it off on Sunday. It will be interesting to see if I can keep the momentum going on it. I decided that if they only do a few of the value experiences, they will be much further ahead when they have a full fledged 3 hour block meeting schedule with YW every Sunday.

I had already given all the teenagers a copy of For the Strength of Youth a few months ago. Most have read it. We have had some great discussions on the content.


Laurene Ross said...

That is so inspiring. Way to go!

Nicole said...

If you have boys that want to do stuff, you should get them going with the Duty to God booklet. It is great. Do have access to the new part of the Personal Progress? They have added a value, virtue and there is an insert the church sent out as a supplement until the new books come out. I can send you some if you can't get them. You should watch the Brand New Year broadcast with your kids too. There is a link on the church website. It was really good.