We stayed at the Holiday Inn the night of September 29 to take an early flight from Piarco Airport on the 30th, Elder Ross's birthday.
Going to the Piarco Airport from The Holiday Inn
One last look at Trinidad
Islands we spotted as we flew toward the US.
United States soil! We are approaching Houston.
Waiting for our flight from Houston to Salt Lake City. Flying first class allowed us to wait the 7 and one half hours in a nice lounge area upstairs at the airport.
The Leishman's have arrived in Tobago from Guyana. They came on the 28th. We were able to show them around and orient them to the island. We thought we were going to get them a few months ago but the were sent to Guyana instead. They are delighted to finally be here.
Our last picture with Elder Ackerman and Elder Jensen. The Leishman's will enjoy working with them.
We had dinner with Lydia and Samuel and sat on the deck and watched the sun go down over Scarborough and the rest of Tobago. They had a neighbor visiting too.
We have 6 of the most wonderful sons and daughters on earth. They have blessed us with 22 grandchildren. We have been called to serve at Cove Fort in the Utah St. George Mission. We reported to the MTC on May 7, 2012.